How do I verify my Betway account?

The KYC verification at Betway is a regulatory betting requirement that must be met by every user on the site. It is a fundamental procedure where the bookmaker verifies the user’s identity by requesting few personal and financial documents. All the data submitted on the website is highly secured and it is completely safe to provide the ID documents for this verification process.

betway verification

Once the betway account is successfully created, the user will be navigated to the verification page. In order to make the betway deposits, the user must complete this verification and we have listed all the steps on how to submit the documents in the below section. This same procedure applies to the users who are betting via betway mobile app too.

  1. Click on the “My account” section on the home page menu.
  2. Select the “Verify Identity” from the drop down.
  3. Upload the requested documents accordingly.
  4. Click on the “Submit” option to complete the process.

Why do I need to verify my Betway account?

The verification process is essential on a betting site to avoid any sort of money laundering activities and to provide a safe betting environment for all the betting players. In order to make the Betway transactions, the user must undergo this verification procedure to verify their Identity.

The Betway verification includes the submission of few necessary ID documents and details which are listed below with detailed information. Generally, these documents are requested by the bookmaker once the account is created. In some cases, Financial documents like bank statements, an ID card providing the information on source of funds are requested while making the transactions on the site.

How to complete the Betway KYC procedure

The betway KYC verification procedure is categorized in few sections and we’ve explained each criteria with relevant information below. Complete the verification procedure at Betway and start making the deposits via online betting payment methods offering by the bookmaker such as credit card, debit card, betway UPI, paytm etc.

Proof of Identity

The Initial and mandatory step of the verification process is to submit the proof of Identity. The user’s photograph must be specified on this document and it must be an ID authorized by the local government authorities. In most of the cases, same ID card can be submitted for both categories of Proof of Identity and Address. Kindly have a look at the following list to know more info on what documents might the bookmaker request to submit in the site.

Proof of Address

The bookmaker requires a document stating the residence proof of the user with full address and the full name. This is to verify the residential address of the user staying in that specific house. We’ve listed all the documents below in which any one of the document can be submitted to the Proof of address section in the verification procedure.

Verification of Contact Information.

The verification of the contact information can be done via multiple ways such as mobile number, email address, post or telegram etc. The user is asked to enter their contact details in the verification category and the most commonly accepted section is contact number and email address of the user. Once the account is verified by the bookmaker successfully, the user will be notified via a text message, call or an email address.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)

1. How do I know if my account is verified or not?

Once the account is successfully verified, the user will receive a notification via email address or contact number stating the status of verification.

2. Is it necessary to take part in this verification process?

The user ID verification is a fundamental procedure that must be taken by every user on the site. The user cannot make betway withdrawals on the site without verification.

3. What is the time limit to complete this KYC procedure?

The user will get a response from the bookmaker by 24-48 hours hours within the submission of required documents. If there is any additional info required, the user will be notified by the

4. What are the documents required in this verification procedure?

An Identity proof specifying the user’s photograph, full name, address, age, card expiry date is accepted, make sure this document is authorized by the local government such as passport, Aadhar card, pan card, driving license etc.

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